Comparing the Characteristics of Flywheel and Battery Energy Storage Systems

October 13, 2021


Energy storage systems (ESS) play a crucial role in balancing energy supply and demand. In recent years, flywheel and battery ESS have emerged as two popular options for energy storage technologies. In this article, we'll compare the characteristics of flywheel and battery ESS, highlighting their advantages and drawbacks.

Flywheel ESS

Flywheel ESS store mechanical energy in a spinning rotor, which can be converted into electricity when demand arises. They can charge and discharge rapidly, making them especially useful for stabilizing the grid during short-term fluctuations.

Advantages of Flywheel ESS

  • High-power output
  • Rapid response times
  • Long service life (up to 20-25 years)
  • Minimal maintenance requirements
  • No toxic materials used

Drawbacks of Flywheel ESS

  • Relatively low energy density
  • Requires vacuum-sealed containers to operate
  • Limited storage time (minutes to hours)

Battery ESS

Battery ESS store electrical energy in chemical form and release it as electricity when needed. They are the most widely used energy storage technology and offer a balance of power, energy density, and efficiency.

Advantages of Battery ESS

  • High efficiency
  • High energy density
  • Long storage times (hours to days)
  • Wide range of battery chemistries available

Drawbacks of Battery ESS

  • Reduced power output as battery discharges
  • Limited cycle life (5-15 years depending on the chemistry)
  • Some battery chemistries use toxic materials (e.g. lead-acid)
  • Requires careful maintenance and management to maximize storage capacity


Both flywheel and battery ESS have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between the two will depend on the specific needs of the application. Flywheel ESS are ideal for short-term rapid response scenarios, while battery ESS are better suited for longer-term energy storage needs. As the technology for both continues to improve, we can expect to see more widespread adoption of ESS in the energy sector.


  • Flywheel energy storage 1
  • Battery energy storage 2

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